Ribat East London
The Ribat East London programme is currently covering a modules in Spirituality, (Ghazālī's, My Beloved Son), Theology (Ghazālī's, Iqtisād) and Dialectics (Hamīd's, Adāb al-Bahth).
Classes are held over 8 week terms on Mondays & Fridays at 7:30 pm
Location - Walthamstow Academy, E17 5DP
The course instructor is Shaykh Yasser Qureshy

University of London
We work with the student community of London, and are in the process of setting up a number of collaborative courses at universities offering weekly, bi-weekly and short courses in Arabic language, Prophetic Traditions, Prophetic biography and Islamic Jurisprudence. Classes are held with lecture theatres throughout London bi-weekly on Tuesdays from 6.30 -7.30pm. Watch this space for further details

Ribat South London
We run weekly classes for both adults and children in Croydon, South London.
Adult classes current classes being taught are, Law (Abū Shujā's Ghāya), Ḥadith (Nawawī's Forty Hadīth), & Tafsīr (Rāzī's Mafātih).
The course instructor is Shaykh Faiz Amīr .
Children's classes include Arabic language, Manners (Adab) and Prophetic biography (Sira). The course instructor is Ustadha Umm Iman.
Classes are held on Sundays between 11am-2pm.
Location - Selborne Rd, Croydon CR0 5JQ

Ribat Bedfordshire
This outreach programme is in partnership with the Organisation of Culture & Character.
A number of different works are read with the student body. At present
The Lives Of Man of Imam Haddad (r) in Spirituality &
The Kitāb al-Asāsī series in Arabic are being taught.
This programme is taught by Shaykh Faiz Amīr on Wednesdays & Fridays from 7.00pm to 8.00 pm
Location - Riyāḍ al-Abrār, 72 New Bedford Road, LU3 1BT